Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ninja Turtles and ATA at Tribeca Film Festival

Ninja Turtle 25th Anniversary Shell-a-bration-

Yes, Its been 25 years! The Turtle franchise helped launch the Martial Arts Kids craze and they are coming back with a celebration kick off in NYC April 23rd, a traveling tour with 12 city stops and martial arts schools, a cartoon and a new video game!

We're working on coordinating the stops on the tour and many other events.

If you would like to join me Thursday April 23rd at the opening celebration in NYC email me. They are going to light up the Empire State building Green, watch the first movie at the Tribeca Film Festival, and join in many other festivities.

Just email me if you want to go. How about inviting all of your friends too??

I am also compiling a team to help with some crowd interaction and demos in New York on the 23rd & Philadelphia on May 2nd.

Thursday, April 23

World Financial Center Plaza
Event Setup 4:00pm
Tribeca Drive-in opens at 6:00 pm.
Activities and programming begin at 6:30 pm.
Film screenings start at dusk (approx. 8:15 pm).
Download the invitation

Mr. Morgan